Title I
List of resources available for Title 1 in PDF format:
Title I Parent Involvement Plan
Title I Parent Involvement Plan - Spanish
Title I Compact Plan
Title I Compact Plan - Spanish
Annual Parent Notice 2020-2021
Annual Parent Notice 2020-2021 - Spanish
Verification of Teacher & Paraprofessional Qualifications 20-21
Verification of Teacher & Paraprofessional Qualifications 20-21 - Spanish
DIBELS at Hollydale!
The Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS) are a set of procedures for assessing early literacy skills from kindergarten through sixth grade. The assessments are designed to be short (one minute) measures used to monitor the development of early literacy and early reading skills.
DIBELS are made up of seven different assessments that measure important early literacy skills. These skills range from hearing the first sound in a word to reading a grade-level passage.
All students at Hollydale are assessed three times during the year using DIBELS. The results of the assessments indicate if a child is at grade level, above grade level, or struggling with literacy skills. Students who are struggling may be identified for extra reading support with Title I, and will be monitored about once per month to track progress.
All of the elementary schools in the Gresham Barlow School District have begun to use DIBLES. This new measure will give us a common assessment so that we can plan for successful interventions district wide.
If you want to learn more about DIBELS, you may go to the following website: dibels.uoregon.edu.